Superior Concrete Walls Precast Concrete Fence Wall is manufactured from an industrial strength concrete mix. While 50mpa is our minimum strength ordered, strength of up to 56mpa * is usually achieved. This forms strong, durable, long lasting precast concrete wall components. Utilising the best international concrete technology from U.S.A, Superior Concrete Walls precast concrete components are reinforced with Forta Ferro, developing a final product that is superior in every way to anything similar on the market nationwide.

No. The difference between the Superior Concrete Walls System and other precast concrete fences is that the other companies use old technology. While they all cast there panels on the ground, lift them up and fix them together, Superior Concrete Walls employ the latest American technology using a machine that is known as a Vertical Battery Mould. This machine repetitively produces quality precast concrete wall components. Rather than fixing our components together (which can fail over time) all our components interlock together as with tongue and groove.

No, Superior Concrete Walls are installed on pier footings which are set out at 3.2 metre centres. A structural steel beam is set into the concrete footing which supports each concrete column. The panel is slid into the column and forms a live joint to allow for expansion and contraction due to weather – without cracking.

No, Superior Concrete Walls have design and profiles on BOTH sides of the wall; this is possible because the concrete wall components are cast vertically in the Battery Mould.

Yes, Superior Concrete Walls act as a reflective sound barrier and will block noise the same way as a solid block wall.

Installation usually takes just a few days and we can easily install 100 metres per day.

Yes, Superior Concrete Walls offers first class product and service.

No, Superior Concrete Wall design and components are unique and are not compatible with other systems.  Therefore, we can’t offer repairs to other wall or fencing systems. However if one of our panels is accidently damaged the panel is easily removed and replaced.

From centre to centre our panels are 3.2 metres.

Yes. We offer a 15 year structural guarantee but with quality modern concrete a 100 year life span can be obtained.

Yes, engineer’s certificate is optional.

Superior Concrete Walls will not crack like traditional block walls because of our proprietary live joint system. Our walls do not require rendering and are about half the cost of a rendered besser block wall.

Yes, Superior Concrete Walls are as the name says, Superior. It will add a lot of value to your property yet saves time & money.

No, UV stable, Termite free – Concrete won’t rot either.

No, big cranes or heavy-duty machinery is not needed to install the Superior Concrete Wall. Minimum disturbance on site – no mess.

Yes, we have a flexible design to suit site conditions.

Yes, we can install our standard columns with panels to your design ready for your metal fabricator to install inserts.

Yes, our concrete wall is solid concrete and will add security and safety.

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