Precast Concrete Wall Fence Designs

For many people, Precast Concrete Wall Fence Designs is an economical and attractive alternative to other types of fencing, but there are also a growing number of people who want to create custom concrete fencing. Concrete fences are generally made of reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete is different from poured concrete, which is essentially just cement. Poured concrete can contain several thousands of tiny rocks and stones which have been individually added to give it the appearance of natural stone. The actual concrete wall is then fashioned out of this mold.

Precast Concrete Wall Fence Designs


Fence Wall Panels

Making your own fence panels using precast concrete is fairly straightforward. The first step is to choose the style you would like. There are numerous different styles to choose from such as arbor, garden, dog ear, post and brick wall panels. It will be up to you to choose the right one for your individual needs. Once you know the style you wish to build, it will be easier to find materials. To save on costs, the precast concrete fencing panels are often sold in large quantities.

Wall Fence Panels


Stone Wall Fence Panels

It is important to note that after you purchase the panels from a supplier, you will need to add the concrete moldings into the panels. The panels will then need to be assembled according to the instructions provided by the supplier. This is a relatively simple process which usually takes just a few hours or a day depending on how much work you want to do. Once the panels have been assembled, it is simply a matter of fixing the fence posts into place with posts of varying sizes and shapes.

To make your concrete wall panel… There are two methods by which panels can be created. The first method uses a standard masonry panel and forms the base of your fence. The other method uses a steel ab beam which forms the wall. A concrete beam is more difficult to install but offers a higher level of security.

Stone wall fence panels


Precast Concrete Fence

The precast concrete products come in three models… Firstly there are six foot wide and four foot tall panels. Secondly there are models in which the panels are twenty one inches wide and twenty three inches tall. And finally there are models in which the panels are forty seven inches wide and forty seven inches tall.

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Precast Fence Panels

The six foot and four foot wide precast panels are easy to assemble. In fact they are so easy to assemble that if you follow the manufacturers advise you should have no trouble. However if you are not sure, then it would be advisable to hire a professional. The biggest advantage of using this kind of fencing is that they provide good sound proofing. Many people who live in rented accommodation and work in offices have complained that external noise ruins their concentration levels.

Precast Fence Panels


Prefab Concrete Retaining Walls

The main disadvantage of using precast concrete fence is that the panels tend to rust easily if they are exposed to water for a long period of time. Another drawback is that if the weather is very cold then the bonding agent used to keep the moisture out tends to deteriorate quickly. And finally when it comes to choosing the colour of your fencing… precast concrete is not really the colour of your garden.

The answer to all these problems is to use plastic resin or vinyl for the concrete moulds and to paint the fence posts. And finally for safety reasons you should use a metal or mesh top on the posts. You will find many suppliers online who supply a wide range of fence panels, fence posts and various other products to suit your requirements. A quick search on the internet should reveal a number of suppliers with competitive prices and excellent customer service.

Fence Wall Panels

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